Rock on dudes and meet the Jorgies at Rose & Smith
“With arms wide open, Rock on dudes.”
Rock on dudes🤘🏽and meet The Jorgies. A Wairarapa stunner at The Smithy for Grace & Sam. No cake, no fluff and plenty of Creed sung in a cappella.
The Jorgies know how to have a good time and even better they know how to do it with their little superstars H + H, I think Heidi stole the show and the hearts of everyone that were there. Up the wahs and up the Smithy, with arms wide open, the good times keep rolling at @rose_and_smith
Venue Rose & Smith at Tauherenikau | Dress Paperswan Bride | BM Dresses Chancery | Suits Barkers | Hair Dollhouse Do | MUA Jaymie Jarvis | Music Hype Entertainment | Signage The Signery | Film Flatroc Flims
Grace & Sam’s teaser film by Flatroc Films

New Zealand based Wedding, Lifestyle and Commercial photographer. Creator of Fresh Prints Bespoke Wedding Magazines.