Bride to be

How will coronavirus eg Covid-19 effect my wedding day?

Wedding days booked and how will the Coronavirus effect it?

Hey Team,

Thought I’d reach out regarding your current wedding booking and the situation with the Coronavirus and it’s possible implications, especially for people travelling into New Zealand during the next month (March-June 2020) at this stage. 

As the situation is still really fluid things can change regarding regulations and procedures so first off, the best site to get the up to date and accurate official information is the Ministry of Health website - link here

I won’t go into specifics of the virus as I’m only your photographer, but here’s the contingency I’ve put in place for you guys in respect with what I can try to do or control our end.

My contingencies

  • I’ve got a network of NZ based photographers who will cover and shoot your wedding if I was to become unable to

  • If you have to postpone your wedding day due to being unable to attend due to Coronavirus, I’m happy to let you move your booking within 12 month period where possible subject to availability 

  • I’m still happy to document your wedding 

Things to plan for

  • If travelling from overseas - as of 15/03/20 the NZ Government has imposed a mandatory 14 day self isolation period. So anybody attending your wedding will need to factor this in

  • Guests who are showing signs of being sick should be advised not to attend your wedding especially if you have guests who are elderly or have pre existing health conditions - this one is a little tricky as with this current virus, hosts do not show symptoms in the first few days - but if someone has cold and flu like symptoms they should really stay away

  • Look into getting Wedding Insurance - this will help recoup or cover any costs that might occur if you have to postpone your wedding day Event Cover | Canstar | Crombie Lockwood

  • If you have a band booked in for your day - just another PSA to guests to respect their equipment especially microphones, had a few conversations with bands over the past few months and this seems to be a common occurrence which in turn has lead to them getting sick in general, so even more of a little tid bit to think about for Mikey in accounts who enjoys a few beersies

Again, it’s still a pretty fluid situation and time we are in, I just wanted to reach to you just to let you know I’m doing my bit in the background wherever possible. Feel free to hit me up with any questions or if you want to go over anything and I’ll happily answer. My personal take on it is, I’m still fully pumped to shoot your wedding and just commonsense basic hygiene which everyone should of been doing anyway we’ll be sweet. And we’ll just be extra cautious with making sure Nana or old Uncle John Boy who has a few ills is kept extra safe.

Again, reach out, I’m here to help answer anything.

Stay clean and stay safe team!

Basic hygiene, cleaning your hands, sneezing into you arm (not ya hands) and adhering to the Ministry and local health advice. Photo Cred Andrea Stephens Photography

The Ministry of Health advise the following “everyone can help by ensuring good health etiquette – washing hands for twenty seconds, sneezing into your arm and not touching your face.”

The majority of cases are mild, to get the best facts stick to official government sites, here’s a link to the Ministry of Healths information on the the virus and its symptoms.


Finally, great time to look into getting wedding insurance. Things can happen. Your booking retainer is non-refundable and the same will most likely apply to the rest of your vendors and suppliers you book. If you have an inkling something could pop up or you’re planning your wedding in a different location. I highly recommend getting wedding insurance to cover any costs if you do have to cancel ya big day!

Event Cover | Canstar | Crombie Lockwood