Tips on our Wedding Day

Tips for your guests and vendors on your wedding day!

Wedding day tips

for guests and vendors

Top tips to have the best Wedding day
— David Le Photography

Wedding day etiquette!

With the rise of Instagram, Donald Trump and technology, a little bit etiquette and commonsense has started to filter away from the good old wedding day. Everyone loves to be in the lime light, wants their 2 seconds of insta fame or getting a couple more likes and followers, but with a few little things, we can all make sure the couple still have the best day of their lives, and we as vendors all give and have the best experience possible!

How to be a bloody good vendor on your clients wedding day!

Tips on been a good vendor on a wedding day! Party like it’s 1999

Tiktok and insta and all those spicy goodies
— Wedding etiquette

With the rise of Tiktok, Donald Trump and technology, a little bit etiquette and commonsense has started to filter away from the good old wedding day. Everyone loves to be in the lime light, wants their 2 seconds of insta fame or getting a couple more likes and followers, but with a few little things, we can all make sure the couple still have the best day of their lives, and we as vendors all give and have the best experience possible!

Doing it for the Gram!!!

Instagram, where half the people are doing downward dog, sipping cocktails in their bathers or taking a photo of their latest meal.

Cool, so you’re proud of what you’ve done and you want to show it off to the world - if you’re a make up artist or hair stylist, just hold off posting that tiktok or insta story of the brides beautiful made up face until after they’ve had the ceremony. “Why? I can do what I want!” Yeah you can, you just don’t want to be that person who ruins that moment of the groom or mum or family seeing the bride in all her glory coming down the aisle. So find out when the ceremony is, set a timer on your phone, boom, buzzer goes off, go post that iphone portrait mode photo and go get them likes girlfriend!

Leave your stress at the door…

Everyone has the odd bad day, where things don’t go right or you’re just having a mare. Once you come and see the couple or the bride, put ya big people pants on and make sure they are the most important person for the tiny amount of time when you pop in to say hi. I’ve been there when a make up artist is running behind schedule and starting to tell people to shush, or the florist is just in a hot sweaty mess and is late by 2 hours. Keep those raging or sweaty stressy feelings locked deep down inside like they used to back in the 90’s. The bride doesn’t need to know or deal with your bad day. If you’re late, say sorry and put on a big smile. Save rants for once you’re back out the door, I’m happy for you to chat to me outside if you did need someone to vent to, just don’t bring that negative energy inside. Party like it’s 1999 baby.

First kiss for two

If you’re a celebrant you’ve probably had the photographer or the couple ask if you could step to the side before announcing the first kiss. SHOCK HORROR is how some celebrants, pastors, priest, old people #boomers, whoever is running your ceremony can react #TRIGGERED. It’s not a 3 way kiss they want to capture. So yeah, have your 15 minutes of fame during the ceremony, be the centre of the universe. Just please take on board that one tiny request, actually step to the side (before, first, insert other adjectives), with the best spot usually next to the best man, then, once your body has stopped moving, then announce the first kiss. They get a kiss without someone in the middle of it looking like they are keen to join in, or the awkward hunchback of Notre Dam ducking for dear life trying to do a runner out of frame. Ps just because you’re to the side doesn’t mean they won’t be able to hear you, they will! Gold stars to awesome celebrants Patricia Robbie, Lucy Willoughby and Abbey Carver.

Purple Clearfiles

Oh and celebrants, think about the stuff you’re holding for the ceremony. The winner of the gold star award goes to Celebrant Sarah Topliff who had everything on her slick little kindle. Maaaate, loose bits of coloured paper or a bright purple clearfile, it’s a wedding, not a last minute Year 9 homework assignment.

So many tripods

So the couple has put down a bit of coin for the ceremony venue, they’ve had some amazing pieces installed by the likes of LL Hire, George & Co or Flock Events and it’s looking amazing! Nekminnit the videographer has set up 5 tripods in the centre, behind you, to the side, set up a picnic down front and centre at the front of the aisle and has hired a satellite from China.

If you’re a couple getting me to shoot your wedding day, that’s not my vibe, so make sure you get a videographer who has the same philosophy and shooting style as me. And there is only person who fits that bill, check out Sink or Surface, we even do a little 2 piece collab deal.

Winner winner, chicken dinner

Majority of photographers have been at it all day taking snaps, and our awesome couples have usually added the photographer/s down to be catered for at dinner time. As the nights events keep rolling like speeches and cutting of the cake, the best time to bring out the vendor meal is around the same time as the head table is served. That gives us that same window as the couple to eat our meals then we can get back on the tools to take them out for sunset photos and carry on snapping. Why this request? If we get at meal at the end of service, the rest of the evening usually starts kicking back underway. Caterers who always look after us photogs Rose & Smith, Crafted and Co, Kauri Bay Boomrock, Terrace Catering, just to name a few!

Photo Credit and Tags

So you the vendor have got your hands on some juicy pics from the wedding day. A little vendor etiquette for the socials. Make sure you’ve got the photographers approval to share images - Majority of photographers are sweet for you to share on social media BUT you must tag the photo and credit the photo in the text words (insta handle or Facebook page) of the post while linking/tagging back to the photographers profile or website. Getting the images from the couple doesn’t mean you bypass crediting the photographer and don’t go sharing screenshots which are shit quality, makes everyone look bad. With Insta, hell no to the photo filters and if you can, try not cropping the image, how the photographer has taken the image is how they intend for it to be seen.

If you’ve been tagged in a story or post, fill your boots in sharing that post or story, it’s an open invitation to share using the share function. Finally - if you’re wanting to use the images for your website, marketing material or advertising, outside of social media - check and enquire with the photographer about commercial image rates, otherwise you’re just stealing their work.

Oh and a little bit for being a good guest

Little shout out to being a good guest at a wedding - remember who you’re there for, for the couple. Leave any dramas at the door, bring that team morale, enjoy yourself and make sure you’re making sure the couple are living their best life! Want to take snaps - fill your boots, just don’t be that Uncle Mike or cousin Insta Liam stepping into the aisle or behind the bridal party ruining shots during the ceremony. Better yet, sit down, and just enjoy the moment. And lads, a few wise words from my good bud Andrea Stephens about how to be a good guy to the lady photogs on the day Read more here

Wowwee thats a lot of words. But just doing these little things on the wedding day can make a huge difference to the running and overall experience for the couple. Do the mahi, get the treats kids.

See you at the next one!