
A little family get together at Wharerata

A little family shoot down at Wharerata

A little family shoot down at Wharerata

Wharerata is a beautiful spot which I love heading down to for photos. Great spaces all within walking distance. And that’s what we did when Asa and Amy brought their families along for an extended family shoot. It was a tonne of fun and these kids know how to work the camera haha, soooo good!

Milky Milk Station

Two years in the making, 3 seasons of the Block NZ, one baby, two wedding dates, a birthday, Andy in a red dress and three pregnant bridesmaids.

Alycia + Maurice's wedding day at a very wet and rainy Milk Station, was well worth the wait, you beauty!!! Ps his names not actually Maurice and he's not actually maori, ay Sam.

A bunch a beautifulness, so much more to come!

Down little Cuba with the Young ones!

Got up bright an early to hang with the Young's down our very own little Cuba street for some family photos. 
Little Spencer was a crack up and didn't have a shortage of poses! Here's a quick frame from our little sesh! 

PS if you're thinking of getting married and want something a little different than your standard marquee, give Jason a buzz! Stretch Tents is where it is at @

Daddy daycare

The wife was away for the weekend, so it was just me and the kids! So we decided to make some treats, chocolate banana caramel biscuit balls to be exact!

They taste better than they look, definitely not a food if you're trying to get ripped for the summer! #cookiemonsters #getinmybelly #funtimes